Sent the President a Valentine…

missing-piece1This idea came from Alexa — for all of us who are praying for a change of heart in our president concerning his stance on abortion.

Get a red envelope. On the front, address it to:

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

On the back of the envelope, write the following message.

This envelope represents one child who died in abortion.
It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world.
Responsibility begins with conception.

Put it in the mail, and send it. Then forward this to every one of your friends who you think would send one too. I wish we could send 50 million red envelopes, one for every child who died before having a chance to live. Maybe it will change the heart of the president.

If you’re looking for another way to celebrate the holiday, pick up a copy of Lee Ezell’s book The Missing Piece, a touching account of her only child, who was conceived after Lee was sexually assaulted. She made an adoption plan for her daughter … and years later was reunited with her.

A wonderful book for any woman, but a real Godsend for any woman in a crisis pregnancy. Pick up a copy today!

Time to Celebrate! … ?

Today I took my parents and kids to the Henry Ford Museum; Target was hosting free admission in honor of Martin Luther King Jr Day. The air was electric with excitement — so many people clearly believe this new administration is something to celebrate.

Oh, how I wish I could share their enthusiasm. If it had been Alan Keyes, say, I would have been singing right along. As it was, I could only breathe a prayer for a little less resentment, a little more grace.

On the news tonight, the anchor confirmed that the “Obama team” has been meeting regularly in order to get in place some crucial bits of legislation. Not surprisingly, one of the first will be signing FOCA into law.  I can’t help but think of the millions of children whose lives are going to be wiped out thanks to this particular “spirit of change.”

“The measure of a society is how it treats its weakest and most vulnerable members.” This video illustrates this better than I ever could …

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