Blogroll for Adoptive, Foster, and Special Needs Families (Extraordinary Moms Network)

Would you like to recommend a blog or website about adoption, foster care, or special needs parenting that you’ve found especially helpful?

heidi-2016First, if you haven’t already been there, you might check out my blog specifically for foster, adoptive, and special needs parents, the “Extraordinary Moms Network.” Lots of good stuff there!

Drop me a note at Heidi(dot)hess(dot)saxton(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

Adoptive Parent Blogs

Foster Parent Blogs

Infertility and Miscarriage

Special Needs Parenting

3 thoughts on “Blogroll for Adoptive, Foster, and Special Needs Families (Extraordinary Moms Network)

  1. I just heard the last few minutes of your conversation on Morning Air. What struck me was when you said, “as we wait, as we wait, as we wait….” I have been waiting for my husband to hear back on a recent job interview. I had been begging the Lord to hear my prayers for my husband to get this job. They contacted him and would like him to meet with someone else in the company for a higher paying job than the one he interviewed for. I must wait, wait, wait. I have a renewed love for St. Mother Theresa and would love your book.

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